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JSC "BHC group"
T.Sevcenkos str. 16, block 31
LT 03111 Vilnius, Lithuania
Ph. nr. +370 5 2334200
Mob.ph. +370 612 25097 (OMNITEL)
Faks. +370 5 2334202
e-mail: info@bhc.lt
Company ID: 125586522
VAT No. LT255865219
Accaunt No. LT38 7300 0100 7214 7778
AB “Swedbank”
Fertilizers |
Produce line VITA is classifying in fifteen different fertilizer sorts. We are producing VITA and FERTO fertilizer groups where we make special fertilizer tablets which are very compact and easy to use.
VITA line presents eight 36g new sorts these type fertilizer tablets. VITA produce line made not only powder, liquid concentrated manure and fertilizer tablets, but also and liquid watered down fertilizer production. You don’t need to water down it oneself, so it make your work with plants easier. VITA produce line will stock your home and garden.
One of our produce line FERTO is classifying different type of fertilizer products: powder, liquid concentrated fertilizer, fertilizer tablets and aerosol leave polisher.